Thursday, November 29, 2018

Sorry cut off the last one I’m not sure why so if you have...

Sorry cut off the last one I’m not sure why so if you have allo you can add me if you want to

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I wasn’t sure if anybody has allo out there but if you do...

I wasn’t sure if anybody has allo out there but if you do you can scan this code and add me if you want.

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And this is a short little clip of the weather a few days later...

And this is a short little clip of the weather a few days later it’s completely gone. Doesn’t take long for it to melt here and it was pretty warm to is like 50s or 60s I think yesterday.

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This one I did in high school I think. It was a while ago was...

This one I did in high school I think. It was a while ago was inspired by one of Metallica songs. One of my favorite things is black and white drawings with pen and ink. Wasn’t too bad for the time I still need to do some more drawings soon.I think there is one special person that really has made me realize I need to do that more. She probably doesn’t know that but I’m hoping that she sees this and realizes that she is my inspiration. Just watching her do her artwork is amazing I just wish I could see more what she doesn’t know how she does it because I like to learn new things. also she is phenomenal and a lot of other things as well she knows who she is.

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This is a drawing I did years ago ago. The exercise was to do as...

This is a drawing I did years ago ago. The exercise was to do as fast as we could in them about an hour or so. We could kind of get an idea of the shape by tracing the the out part line but the shading andn value in the color we had to do. Looks pretty good for a little over an hour

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Wednesday, November 21, 2018

just so you all know in Ohio back home and some people in...

just so you all know in Ohio back home and some people in California that I know. We don’t always have snow all the time even though the news says so. I’ll try to get a picture if I can later on.

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Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Can you guys all tell me

Can you guys all tell me. Why would somebody or anybody at all like my son which he did. Would pick...
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I was testing my camera in the night mode. I forgot what...

I was testing my camera in the night mode. I forgot what it’s called but it’s supposed to bring in more light somehow and make it brighter so it’s a cleaner crisper picture in the dark. And seems to do a pretty good job what do you guys think like it if you think it does a good job.

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Monday, November 19, 2018

Well the CNN and other news media needs to report the news not their opinion about things

Well the CNN and other news media needs to report the news not their opinion about things. the whole...
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Sunday, November 18, 2018

megurashka: this is so funny Yeah this one is definitely very...

After hearing the story of someone’s good friend being in...

After hearing the story of someone’s good friend being in a fire. Got me thinking about the fire here in Colorado back in 2015. So I started to look up my photos from that time. And how much everyone lost out here and a few people that I know as well like her friend did. I thought of looking for my photos when I was heading to work as I was going over the hill this is what I saw just a night sky full of smoke and redness. You can see the entire mountain range like it was daytime even though that was in the middle of the night when I took that picture I added a few of my other pictures that I took when I was driving across town. So I’m hoping that the people in California are doing well and are safe. I do know there’s still quite a few people missing from what I’ve heard. And also know that’s are several people that passed away because of it I don’t know what the number is now last time I knew it was around 50 something I think. Which gets me thinking of family and friends and a little time that we do have together sometimes you got to make the best of it.I know the one person that I care about her friend means a lot to her. I wish her and all the people of California the best and the time and which is not always the best I just got to keep up a positive attitude as much as you can. When it’s not always easy to do in a time of such sorrow I guess. And if anybody I know did share my link or help her out I appreciate your time and doing that I’m sure she appreciates it a lot.

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Saturday, November 17, 2018

Love this screenshot of my character Christina with her dragon...

Love this screenshot of my character Christina with her dragon wings on. One on the ground and one while flying in the air.

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Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Click here to support Christina Woolsey Fire Relief organized by Bibi JordanI just want to let...

Click here to support Christina Woolsey Fire Relief organized by Bibi JordanI just want to let...
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I just want to let everybody know this lady of is a personal friend of a woman that I really care about

I just want to let everybody know this lady of is a personal friend of a woman that I really care...
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Monday, November 12, 2018

It's truly a sad day to find out the one man that has made so many childhood memories for so many years has passed away

It’s truly a sad day to find out the one man that has made so many childhood memories for so...
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Sunday, November 4, 2018

could you all watch Piper's video to help her out

could you all watch Piper’s video to help her out. She’s really cute really sweet and...
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Saturday, November 3, 2018


+Benson Leung Hey I was just wondering what’s Google plus going to be closing up if you were...
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Friday, November 2, 2018

Got mynticket for Bohemian Rhapsody. Love Art, and music so...

Got mynticket for Bohemian Rhapsody. Love Art, and music so much. Love the music that @queen does like my other favorite bands like @butcherbabies @metallica @slipknot @sepultura. I know that @carlaharvey and @heidithebutcher did a hell of a job singing. The whole band made me feel every note of every song they did. It was so worth only get a few hours sleep before the show. I missed the last time I could have seen them play only my my father was sick and a few week later pasted away. So for me I was not going allow anything to keep me from seeing them play in Colorado. I had a crazy busy day that day. Worked all night had two appointments for my son in Denver then after that headed up to Greeley got a hotel crashed for a two hours then heading to @moxitheater to watch them play. Loved every minute of it.

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