This is one of my newer right now. I think after I scan I’m definitely going to clean it up some repair some of the lines add a little shading maybe if I can. To make it look a lot better. This is just a quick picture of it I might have to correct a few things in gimp to make it look a little nicer. Once I got it done then I’ll post what she looks like after I’m fully done.still working progress there’s a few things I see in the picture that I’m not too happy with so we’ll see what happens I don’t know if I can fix some with my pen at all I might have to do it and jump for sure. Please leave some comments so I know what you think of the new drawing that I did. Thanks for your support and hopefully I’ll have that up for sale later on. I hate to say it I might have to order this one too when I get it done. It’s turned out really well.
from Tumblr https://ift.tt/2rJ1PJA