#banks #money #power #1% #OWS #occupy @the99percenters #Anonymous Incredible chart by @motherjones showing how US banks have go... on Twitpic
Incredible chart by @motherjones showing how US banks have gone down to four major ones in last 15 years:
Incredible chart by @motherjones showing how US banks have go... on Twitpic
Oh look do you see what I see. Only 4 huge main banks are still around which most of the other had been around back in the 90's. My question for you is what as the Government done to stop this from going on. I mean they wanted to stop Microsoft years ago plus a few others from being a monopoly why is it the banks have been allowed to do this at all. I know they still have four but I think that about 39 or so is far better. Who is the one to blame for this in are Government. I think we need to fig it out and get them out of office fast and get someone in office that will put a end to it fast.
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